Saturday, March 05, 2016

Can you solve the frog riddle?

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Can you solve the frog riddle? - Derek Abbott
Animation by Artrake Studio
You're stranded in a rainforest, and you've eaten a poisonous mushroom. To save your life, you need an antidote excreted by a certain species of frog. Unfortunately, only the female frog produces the antidote. The male and female look identical, but the male frog has a distinctive croak. Derek Abbott shows how to use conditional probability to make sure you lick the right frog and get out alive.
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Why are there so many insects? - Murry Gans
Animation by Echo Bridge Pictures
If insects suddenly morphed into large beings and decided to wage war on us, there's no doubt that humans would lose. There are an estimated 10 quintillion individual insects on earth, outnumbering humans by more than a billion to one. So what's their secret to success? Murry Gans details the reasons behind insect abundance.
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Can wildlife adapt to climate change? - Erin Eastwood
Animation by TOTEM Studio
With rising temperatures and seas, massive droughts, and changing landscapes, successfully adapting to climate change is increasingly important. For humans, this can mean using technology to find solutions. But for some plants and animals, adapting to these changes involves the most ancient solution of all: evolution. Erin Eastwood explains how animals are adapting to climate change.
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The Leap Year Explained - Neil deGrasse Tyson
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Why do people gain confidence through sport? - Molly Arch-Davies 
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The effects of stress may filter right down to your brain's DNA - Andrew Zimbelman

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Friday, March 04, 2016

VOA Learning English Highlights - 03/05/2016

VOA Learning English Highlights
VOA Learning English Highlights

U.S. Elections 2016

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As It Is

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Google Self-Driving Car Crashes Into Bus Google Self-Driving Car Crashes Into Bus
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Al-Shabab Attacks Continue in Somalia Al-Shabab Attacks Continue in Somalia
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American Stories

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National Grammar Day Is Here! National Grammar Day Is Here!
Lovers of the English language celebrate National Grammar Day on March 4. Several websites offer resources and are even checking the grammar of famous people on Twitter for this holiday. How will you be spending your Friday? More

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Voice of America

factotum: Word of the Day
Mar. 04, 2016

factotum Audio Pronunciation
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\fak-TOH-tuh m\
1. any employee or official having many different responsibilities.
2. a person, as a handyman or servant, employed to do all kinds of work around the house.
Mickey was a qualified solicitor who no longer practised the law but instead worked full-time as a factotum, fixer and odd-job man for a Premiership football club.
-- John Lanchester, Capital, 2012
Factotum has roots in the Latin facere meaning "to make; do" and tōtus meaning "all." It entered English in the mid-1500s.
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