Saturday, January 04, 2014

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Fwd: skosh: Word of the Day

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Word of the Day for Saturday, January 4, 2014

skosh \skohsh\, noun:

Slang. a bit; a jot: We need just a skosh more room.

The pack's momentum had nailed me facedown cause a pebble under my toe had rolled, but it wouldn't've if I'd been a skosh more coherent.
-- John Barnes, The Sky So Big and Black, 2002
Except there's just the barest crook to his version, showing he knows just a skosh more than she did. And probably wishes he didn't.
-- Ken Kesey, Sometimes a Great Notion, 1962

Skosh entered English in the 1950s from the Japanese term sukoshi which meant "a little bit."

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Fwd: venta: Spanish Word of the Day

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Date: 2014/1/4
Subject: venta: Spanish Word of the Day
To: "Hector William G." <> Spanish Word of the Day
Spanish Word of the Day
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Spanish Word of the Day
Saturday, January 4, 2014

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venta, noun

Venta, sale, is the noun from the verb vender, to sell, and refers to any action of selling something.

Han prohibido la venta de armas a ese país.
They've prohibited arms sales to that country.

As so often happens with Spanish, the prepositions you use in set phrases are not the same as in English. Notice a and en in these examples:

Está a la venta en todas las farmacias.
It's on sale in all pharmacies.
Sale a la venta la semana que viene.
It will go on sale next week.
poner algo en venta
to put something up for sale
Ya han puesto la casa en venta.
They've already put the house up for sale.

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