Word of the Day for Friday, November 1, 2013 animalcule \an-uh-MAL-kyool\, noun: 1. a minute or microscopic animal, nearly or quite invisible to the naked eye, as an infusorian or rotifer. 2. Archaic. a tiny animal, as a mouse or fly. But man contemplates the universe as an animalcule would an elephant. -- Edward Buwler-Lytton, Zanoni, 1842 He has absolutely no idea of the prodigious personage that I am, and of the microscopic animalcule that he is in comparison. -- Marcel Proust, translated by D. J. Enright, In Search of Lost Time, 1989, originally published in 1927 Animalcule comes directly from the Neo-Latin word animalculum meaning "a small animal." Read the full entry | See synonyms | Comment on today's word | Suggest tomorrow's word Yesterday's word | Previous words | Help |