Friday, November 01, 2013

Fwd: animalcule: Word of the Day

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Date: 2013/11/1
Subject: animalcule: Word of the Day
To: "Hector William G." <> Word of the Day
Word of the Day
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Word of the Day for Friday, November 1, 2013

animalcule \an-uh-MAL-kyool\, noun:

1. a minute or microscopic animal, nearly or quite invisible to the naked eye, as an infusorian or rotifer.
2. Archaic. a tiny animal, as a mouse or fly.

But man contemplates the universe as an animalcule would an elephant.
-- Edward Buwler-Lytton, Zanoni, 1842
He has absolutely no idea of the prodigious personage that I am, and of the microscopic animalcule that he is in comparison.
-- Marcel Proust, translated by D. J. Enright, In Search of Lost Time, 1989, originally published in 1927

Animalcule comes directly from the Neo-Latin word animalculum meaning "a small animal."

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Fwd: LearnEnglish Kids Newsletter

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Date: 2013/11/1
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LEKids June 2013
LearnEnglish Kids Newsletter
November 2013

Welcome to the latest LearnEnglish Kids newsletter.

We have added new topic-based worksheets and answer sheets to some of our more popular Your turn topics. 

These worksheets can be downloaded and used with learners at home or in class, and when they are finished, they can write their own ideas on the topic on our site. Comments are pre-moderated, to make sure our site is safe for kids. 

More worksheets coming soon! 

Anti-Bullying Week is the 18th-22nd November, with the theme: "The future is ours. Safe, fun and connected."

Teach your children to be safe when connected on-line by following these tips. You can also have a look at these internet safety websites, especially Beat Bullying, which offers advice and support to children, parents, carers and teachers. 

23rd of November is the start of National Tree Week in the UK, and launches the winter tree-planting season.

Children can think about some tree issues with our Ballad of Lisa the lemur song, and learn about how trees grow in The lucky seed story.

Kids can also write about planting trees for the environment, and trees in their country, on our Tree week your turn. 

Have a question about helping your child or students learn English? Our regular Friday chat on Facebook is the perfect time and place!
Questions are answered by Marcus, from the LearnEnglish Kids team, as well as by other parents and teachers - perhaps you can help someone too! 
Chats take place every Friday - 'like' us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to receive updates.

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