It's been over a month since I last posted anything on idioms and I was beginning to get withdrawal symptoms! Did you have the same feeling?
So to prevent any anxiety issues on this bright, sunny Friday morning, I have real pleasure in sharing this colourful infographic on 8 body idioms creatively prepared by Kaplan International. You can find this infographic on the Kaplan website.
Kaplan International English
The English language has many idioms connected to the body, for example, to cost an arm and a leg; on the tip of the tongue; to stick one's neck out and so on. I plan to dedicate a future post on these idioms.
In the meantime, let's take a look at how the above idioms are used in a sentence.
1. All Ears - this is used when you're ready and waiting for someone to explain something to you.
- "Ok, Jack. Tell us about how the meeting went. We're all ears."
2. The Cold Shoulder - used when you ignore someone or don't pay them any attention
- "I don't know what I've done. Ever since I got back from the party, Gillian has given me the cold shoulder"
3. Itchy feet - someone who has itchy feet has a strong impulse to travel or to do something different
- It's always the same with Angela. After three years with a company she gets itchy feet and has to move on.
4. The long arm of the law - the far-reaching powers of the authorities
- "Tony was eventually caught. He couldn't escape the long arm of the law."
5. Old Hand - someone who has done a job or activity for a long time and who does it very well
- James is an old hand in making air fix models. He has been doing it since he was seven years old.
6. Sweet Tooth - someone who loves to eat sweet things
- I simply cannot resist desserts. I have always had a sweet tooth.
7. Elbow Room - Enough space to move or work in.
- "I have absolutely NO elbow room in this kitchen!"
8. Eye-catching - attracts attention
- Jessica looks particularly eye-catching in that dress".
The key to understanding idioms and, more importantly, using them correctly is to see them in context. And the only way learners can do this is to read and listen to English as much as possible. You will not always use the idiom in the correct context but over time and with practice it will get easier. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes.
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