Saturday, December 14, 2013

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APRENDIZAJE DE INGLES (lista de reproducción)



Fwd: whitherward: Word of the Day

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Date: 2013/12/14
Subject: whitherward: Word of the Day
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Word of the Day
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Word of the Day for Saturday, December 14, 2013

whitherward \HWITH-er-werd, WITH-\, adverb:

Archaic. toward what place; in what direction.

West, West! Whitherward point hope and prophet- fingers, whitherward at sunset kneel all worshipers of fire, whitherward in mid-ocean the great whales turn to die, whitherward face all the Moslem dead in Persia, whitherward lie Heaven and Hell!
-- Herman Melville, Mardi: And Voyage Thither, 1849
...the only question now was, Whitherward to vanish, in what hole to hide oneself!
-- Thomas Carlyle, The French Revolution, 1837

Whitherward comes from Old English hwinder + -weard meaning "toward where?"

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Fwd: exterior: Spanish Word of the Day

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From: Spanish Word of the Day <>
Date: 2013/12/14
Subject: exterior: Spanish Word of the Day
To: "Hector William G." <> Spanish Word of the Day
Spanish Word of the Day
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Spanish Word of the Day
Saturday, December 14, 2013

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exterior, noun
the exterior, the outside; abroad

One meaning of exterior is very similar to English. It means the exterior or outside of something.

El exterior del edificio.
The outside of the building.

The phrase salir al exterior is a slightly formal way of saying to go outside:

Salimos al exterior a tomar el aire.
We went outside to get some fresh air.

The other meaning, abroad, is an extension of the first meaning, because it refers to things outside your own country:

No hemos recibido noticias del exterior.
We haven't had any news from abroad.
la imagen de Méjico en el exterior
Mexico's image abroad

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