Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Fwd: Wednesday April 16, 2014: On This Day

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Date: 2014-04-16 2:00 GMT-05:00
Subject: Wednesday April 16, 2014: On This Day
To: "Hector William G." <> On This Day On This Day On This Day
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On This Day:
Wednesday April 16, 2014

This is the 106th day of the year, with 259 days remaining in 2014.

Fact of the Day: U.S. borders

The United States is bordered by Canada and Mexico. The length of the Canadian border is 3,987 miles and the length of the Mexican border is 1,933 miles. Of the 50 states, Alaska has the longest border with Canada; of the 48 contiguous states, Montana has the longest border with Canada. Texas has the longest border with Mexico. The United States also borders three oceans: the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Arctic. Lake Michigan is the only one of the Great Lakes located entirely within the United States.


Feast day of St. Bernadette, St. Magnus, St. Paternus of Avranches, St. Encratis, St. Fructuosus Braga, St. Turibius of Astorga, St. Drogo, St. Joseph Benedict Labre, and St. Optatus and the Martyrs of Saragossa.
Israel: Remembrance Day / Yom Ha'zikkaron.
Denmark: Queen Margreth's Birthday, a national holiday.
Puerto Rico: Jose de Diego's Birthday.


1851 - A lighthouse was swept away in a gale at Minot's Ledge, Massachusetts.
1862 - President Abraham Lincoln signed an act abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia.
1900 - The first books of U.S. postage stamps were issued.
1908 - Utah's Natural Bridges National Monument was established.
1917 - Vladimir Lenin, leader of the revolutionary Bolshevik Party, returned to Petrograd after a decade of exile to take the reins of the Russian Revolution.
1926 - The Book-of-the-Month Club in New York City chose as its first selection, "Lolly Willowes" or "The Loving Huntsman" by Sylvia Townsend.
1935 - The radio comedy program "Fibber McGee and Molly" premiered.
1943 - The hallucinogenic effects of LSD were discovered accidentally by Swiss chemist Albert Hoffman.
1947 - In Texas City's port on Galveston Bay, a fire aboard the French ship Grandcamp ignited ammonium nitrate and other explosive materials in the ship's hold, causing a massive blast that destroyed much of the city and killed nearly 600.
1947 - Bernard Baruch coined the term "Cold War."
1962 - Walter Cronkite succeeded Douglas Edwards as anchorman of "The CBS Evening News."
2003 - Michael Jordan played his last NBA game as his Washington Wizards lost to the Philadelphia 76ers in the last game of the season.
2003 - The Treaty of Accession was signed in Athens admitting 10 new member states to the European Union.


1844 - Anatole France, French writer, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature (1921).
1867 - Wilbur Wright, American aviator, inventor.
1889 - Charlie Chaplin (born Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin), English comedian, actor, and director.
1919 - Merce Cunningham, American dancer and choreographer.
1921 - Sir Peter Ustinov, Academy Award-winning actor.
1922 - Sir Kingsley Amis, novelist.
1924 - Henry Mancini, American award-winning composer, musician.
1947 - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (born Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor, Jr.), American basketball player.
1965 - Martin Lawrence, German-born American actor.


1850 - Marie Tussaud, French wax-modeller.
1946 - Arthur Chevrolet, Swiss-born race car driver and automobile designer. On This Day
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