Sunday, February 05, 2012

Homework 2

Anyone Can Fix It
            1Today many people fix their own broken machinery. 2They don’t take all their machines to repair shops. 3They don’t want to pay someone else. 4Instead, when they understand their own machines, they fix things themselves.
            5People find some machines harder to fix than others. 6If they have cars, for example, they take a course in auto repairing. 7If they have bicycles, however, they just read a book on bike repairing. 8If they have broken radios, they often teach themselves radio repair.
            9People enjoy fixing things. 10For them, machinery isn’t a mystery. 11It’s something exciting and fun.

Exercise 1: Copy the entire passage in your notebook.
Exercise 2: Rewrite the entire passage, but change many people to the average person in sentence 1, and change People to The average person in sentences 5 and 9. Write about one person throughout the passage. Sentence 1 will be:
Today the average person fixes his own broken machinery.

Exercise 2: Rewrite the entire passage, but change Today to Tomorrow in sentence 1, and write about the future. Sentence 1 will be:

Tomorrow many people will fix their own broken machinery.

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