Saturday, November 09, 2013

Fwd: en bloc: Word of the Day

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Word of the Day for Saturday, November 9, 2013

en bloc \ahn BLAWK; English. en BLOK\, adverb:

French. as a whole.

These houses had recently been bought en bloc by a property developer who was about to have them renovated.
-- Ruth Rendell, End in Tears, 2005
Mr Gates, after a pause, agreed to act as chairman temporarily, and Anton sat down, with a look of satisfaction which explained to Martha that she had under-estimated the danger of the entire body of respectable patrons resigning en bloc.
-- Doris Lessing, A Ripple From the Storm, 1958

En bloc entered English in the mid-1800s directly from the French phrase of the same spelling and meaning.

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Fwd: asunto (2): Spanish Word of the Day

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Date: 2013/11/9
Subject: asunto (2): Spanish Word of the Day
To: "Hector William G." <> Spanish Word of the Day
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Spanish Word of the Day
Saturday, November 9, 2013

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asunto, noun

We've already come across asunto meaning matter:

Es un asunto muy delicado.
It's a very delicate matter.

Like all the most common words in Spanish asunto has several meanings. Referring to an event that's in the news, it means affair:

El asunto Filesa
The Filesa affair

It can also be translated as affair in examples like the next one:

Siempre se entromete en mis asuntos.
He's always interfering in my affairs.

In Spain, asuntos exteriores are foreign affairs, so the government department that deals with them is:

El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores
the Foreign Ministry, the State Department

In southern Latin America people use asunto informally in the phrase ¿A asunto de qué...? to mean why?

¿A asunto de qué lo llamaste?
What did you call him for?

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